Country Risk ManagementCountry Risk Management: Strategies and Tools

Country Risk Assessments

Companies striving to operate ethically and sustainably need to identify and mitigate against areas of risk where they operate. This process is complex due to various factors like evolving legislative frameworks, regulatory landscapes, geopolitical dynamics, and sustainable initiatives.

TDi integrates sustainable business legislation into our risk assessments, providing a holistic perspective that aligns with the global emphasis on responsible corporate practices.

Areas of country risk assessment include:

Armed Conflict
Governance and Rule of Law
Human Rights Violations
Pollution and Environmental Risks

Energy Conservation
Responsible Business Practices
Currency Exchange Rate Volatility

Technology Infrastructure
Supply Chain Complexity
Infrastructure Resilience

Water Scarcity
Market Stability
Social and Cultural Dynamics
Political Stability

Socio Political Mapping and Country Scenario Analysis

Navigating the intricate web of environmental, social, and economic factors in business is challenging.

TDi’s expertise helps clients comprehend these complexities, aligning decision-making with sustainable goals. Our socio-political mapping and country scenario analysis assess risks and opportunities, including environmental degradation and regulatory compliance.

We anticipate challenges, devise mitigation strategies, and ensure legal compliance, allowing clients to focus on core operations.

Digital Tools for Mapping Country Risk

Our sophisticated digital tools make it faster, easier and more efficient for you and your organisation to access our industry-leading sustainability research and data.

CAHRA Index and Map: Country Risk Tool

The TDi CAHRA (Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas) Index is designed to support supply chain due diligence, and in particular “red flag assessment”, as described in the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Learn more…

AIRS Index and Map: Alert Index for Responsible Sourcing

The Alert Index for Responsible Sourcing draws on established indices for country-level governance from a range of international organisations. It focuses on those aspects of governance that are most relevant for companies seeking to source responsibly from each country, and indicates how effective a country’s governance environment is for supporting this goal. Learn more…